Yong Chen

Programme Officer – Sustainable Urban Energy
, International Renewable Energy Agency
Profile / Bio: 

Mr. Chen is the Programme Officer at the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC) in Bonn, Germany. He has been with IRENA since 2012 and now is leading the sustainable urban energy program with a focus on developing the methodologies of assessing renewable energy options to meet the energy demand in cities. Prior to his role in Bonn, Yong spent six years as a Regional Programme Officer for Asia and the Pacific with the Country Support and Partnership team at IRENA’s Headquarters in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He not only profiled the Agency in the region by facilitating the adoption and use of IRENA’s knowledge products but also led and contributed to the technical assistance and thematic studies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Before joining IRENA, Mr. Chen had been working for 15 years in the field of energy and environment with a focus on renewable energy technologies and policies in Sweden, the US, and the People's Republic of China.
