Engr. Godofredo Guya has been with the power sector for more than 3 decades and has been the General Manager (GM) of Davao del Sur Electric Cooperative, Inc. (DASURECO) since 2011. GM Guya is instrumental to the improvement of DASURECO’s distribution line facilities which led to the influx of industries and an increase in consumer membership and household connections. His technical expertise resulted in the energization of the farthest communities in DASURECO’s coverage area, particularly through a 25-kilowatt micro-hydro power plant installed in Sitio Cunalum, Barangay Dalupan, Municipality of Don Marcelino. This pilot project was funded by the government of Japan under the policy and advisory assistance of ADB. The project is the first micro-hydro plant in Mindanao that serves as a voltage regulator. It has remarkably improved power quality and reduced system loss in the area resulting in lower power rates and higher consumer satisfaction. Engr. Guya has been recently proclaimed as representative to the House of Congress representing the Rural Electric Consumers and Beneficiaries of Development and Advancement (RECOBODA) party list.