Chandarany Ouch is working with UNDP Cambodia. She used to be a Research Fellow and Head of Economics Unit at the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). She joined CDRI since 2003 and she has been a project leader/member of various research projects and engaged in project management and collaborative research at national and regional levels. She currently leads project on: 1) “Vocational training and labour market transitions: A randomised experiment among Cambodian young adults”; 2) “The contribution of vocational skills development to inclusive industrial growth and transformation: An analysis of critical factors in Cambodia”; and 3) “Cambodia gender economic assessment”. She is also a coordinator of project on “Agricultural trade between China and GMS countries: Value chain analysis” and “Industry 4.0: Prospects and challenges for Cambodia’s manufacturing sector”.
Her research interests include labour economics, experimental economics, development economics and applied microeconomics. She has published in the Journal of Comparative Economics and Population and Development Review and at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. Chandarany completed a PhD in Economics at Monash University, Australia. She also holds a Master in Public Policy from Lee Kaun Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.