Nonrevenue Water Management and 24/7 Water Supply in Cities — How ADB Helps the Government


Nonrevenue Water Management and 24/7 Water Supply in Cities — How ADB Helps the Government

14 March 2019

Ensuring water availability and increasing water efficiency are crucial in attaining social and economic development. 

In this knowledge sharing session, ADB's Stephane Bessadi,  Saugata Dasgupta, and Massimo Petrone shared their practical experiences and knowledge in addressing intermittent water supply. They also discussed ways to reduce nonrevenue water losses and achieve 24/7 water supply provision in ADB's developing member countries. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
14 Mar 2019 Presentation NRW Management and 24x7 Water Supply In Cities: How is ADB Helping The Government
Can developing countries afford continuous water supply? Check out how ADB is helping its developing member countries access continuous water supplywhile...
Stephane Bessadi
14 Mar 2019 24x7 Water Supply Scheme - The Ilkal Story
Ilkal is the first town in India to provide 24x7 water supply to the entire population. Know more about the key drivers, and the lessons that other countries...
Saugata Dasgupta


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