Antonio Ressano-Garcia

Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

Antonio Ressano-Garcia is currently Principal Urban Development Specialist for South East Asia. He holds postgraduate degrees in International Law and Legal Studies from The University of Edinburgh and in International Relations and Affairs from the University of Cambridge.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
[VIDEO] Day 1 - Session 2: GMS, IMT-GT and BIMP-EAGA Experience Part 1 05 September 2023 Multimedia Regional Cooperation and Integration, Economics, Finance, Industry and Trade, Knowledge Management
[VIDEO] Day 1 Session 2: GMS, IMT GT and BIMP EAGA Experience Part 2 05 September 2023 Multimedia Regional Cooperation and Integration, Economics, Finance, Industry and Trade, Knowledge Management
[VIDEO] Day 1 - Session 2: GMS, IMT-GT and BIMP-EAGA Experience 05 September 2023 Multimedia Industry and Trade, Regional Cooperation and Integration
Economic Corridor Development in Southeast Asia: GMS, IMT-GT, and BIMP-EAGA 05 September 2023 Slides Regional Cooperation and Integration
Day 1: Session 2: ECD in Southeast Asia (Russian Translation) 05 September 2023 Slides Economics, Finance, Industry and Trade, Regional Cooperation and Integration
Health and Education (East Asia) 21 March 2013 Slides Education, Health