Arghya Sinha Roy

Principal Climate Change Adaptation Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

Arghya Sinha Roy works as the Principal Climate Change Adaptation Specialist at the Asian Development Bank. He is involved in the implementation of ADB’s climate priorities and targets by supporting client governments in strengthening climate adaptation-related policies, plans, and investments and access climate finance.

Arghya has been working on disaster and climate resilience-related issues since 2003. From 2004–2012, he worked with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center on strengthening the capacities of countries to integrate disaster risk management considerations into national and local development processes. Since 2012, Arghya has been working with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), in supporting the implementation of ADB’s disaster risk management policy and plan. Arghya has been involved in projects related to risk-sensitive urban development, infrastructure resilience, strengthening community disaster resilience, and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

In 2019, Arghya has taken up the position of climate change adaptation specialist within ADB, where his focus is to support ADB in increasing investments in climate-resilient development across different sectors. Arghya has a master’s degree in urban and regional planning.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Introduction to the Workshop 22 June 2024 Slides Climate Change, Environment
Strengthening Climate Resilience at Scale While Leaving No One Behind 28 February 2023 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Poverty
100 Climate Finance Ambition: What does it mean for USG? 25 November 2021 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Finance
[VIDEO] Empowering Women Through Climate Action 24 November 2021 Multimedia Gender Equality
Introductory Slide 19 November 2021 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management 14 October 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
SERD Policy Talk (SPOT): Reshaping Cities in Post-COVID-19 World 29 July 2021 Multimedia Health, Private Sector, Urban Development
Community Resilience Partnership Program (CRPP) Financing Partnership Facility (multi-donor trust fund and single donor fund) 20 April 2021 Slides Governance and Public Sector Management
Bridging the Climate Finance Gap at Local Level 23 November 2020 Slides Climate Change, Finance, Poverty
Emerging Perspectives on Making Infrastructure Resilient 21 October 2020 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Urban Development
Enhancing Women-focused Investments in Climate and Disaster Resilience (WfIR) 03 June 2020 Slides Gender Equality, Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change
Climate Resilient Infrastructure: ADB Approach (EN and CN) 04 September 2019 Slides Climate Change, Urban Development
Climate Resilient Infrastructure: ADB Approach (RUS) 04 September 2019 Slides Climate Change, Urban Development
Disaster Risk Management Managing the Impacts of Extreme Weather and Climate Events 29 June 2016 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Social Development and Protection
Knowledge Partnership Forum: Outcome of Disaster Risk Management Parallel Sessions 20 May 2015 Slides Knowledge Management, Public-Private Partnership, Disaster Risk Management
Bangladesh Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure Project: Inclusive Approach for Disaster Risk Management 28 October 2013 Slides Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change, Social Development and Protection
Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Green Cities 07 June 2013 Slides Urban Development, Disaster Risk Management