Implementing the Green City Agenda: Workshop on Integrated Solid Waste Management
The learning event aimed for ADB staff to (i) increase knowledge and awareness on the concepts of integrated solid waste management (SWM) including basic elements of SWM, best practices, and innovative financing support; (ii) learn the various methods and schemes on how to integrate SWM in designing urban projects; and (iii) brainstorm on the entry points and options for mainstreaming SWM into ADB operations. ADB's Urban Financing Partnership Facility (UFPF) project “Solid Waste Management Sector Project in the Philippines” was presented during the workshop where UFPF support is being utilized for a project feasibility study and for grant support to a group of pilot initiatives in SWM that demonstrate the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle approach on a city-wide scale, integrating poverty groups who have a significant role in the collection.