Impact Evaluation of BRAC Community-Based Education for Marginalized Girls in Afghanistan: Lessons from the Baseline Study

Event: Making Impact Evaluation Matter (Main Event)

Impact Evaluation of BRAC Community-Based Education for Marginalized Girls in Afghanistan: Lessons from the Baseline Study

04 September 2014
Author / Speaker: 
Mohammed Mahbubul Kabir, BRAC Bangladesh - Email the author | Other materials by the author
Md. Hasib Reza, BRAC Bangladesh - Email the author | Other materials by the author

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Long-standing political instability, war, insecurity, and unfriendly socio-cultural norms and practices are the causes of girls’ lower access to education in Afghanistan. A project called Community-Based Education for Marginalized Girls in Afghanistan is being operated by BRAC since 2013 to address the barriers to girls’ education in the country.

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Learning Event


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