Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs in Asia: Sri Lanka

Event: 4th International Skills Forum: Skills Development in Asia and the Pacific - Planting Seeds One Step Ahead

Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs in Asia: Sri Lanka

10 December 2014
Author / Speaker: 
Margarita Pavlova, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Email the author | Other materials by the author

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This presentation shares the Government of Sri Lanka’s initiatives on green skills. It provides an overview of green jobs and green compliance in the country, along with greening trends in terms of knowledge and skill requirements, and current and future gaps. The presentation also includes a number of suggested recommendations.

Geographical Focus: 
Sri Lanka
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs in Asia: Sri Lanka | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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