Sub-Regional Conference on Wastewater Management: Promoting Innovations and Sustainable Investments

Event: Sub-Regional Conference on Wastewater Management: Promoting Innovations and Sustainable Investments

Sub-Regional Conference on Wastewater Management: Promoting Innovations and Sustainable Investments

29 January 2013

The sub-regional conference formally launched Regional Technical Assistance 8060: Promoting Innovations in Wastewater Management in Asia and the Pacific. Participants were a mixture of government executives, wastewater industry practitioners, and private sector representatives from the following countries: Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan. Project proponents from different developing member countries presented their success stories, while experts in the sanitation and wastewater industry discussed planning, technology, financing, and management options.

Geographical Focus: 
Regional - Asia
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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