VITARA: Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration

Event: Enhancing Domestic Resource Mobilization

VITARA: Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration

01 May 2024
Author / Speaker: 
Online Course , . - Other materials by the author

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What is VITARA? 
VITARA stands for Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration. It is an online course specifically designed for tax administrations. The course consists of several short, structured online modules.

Who created VITARA? 
VITARA is a joint project of four organizations, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Who is VITARA for? 
The VITARA course content is tailored to senior managers and executives of tax administrations of developing countries who are responsible for leading the tax administration to good practice. Yet lower-level staff, tax administrators from advanced economies or custom administration professionals could also benefit from following the modules. The VITARA modules are introductory level modules and designed for busy professionals who wish to improve their skills in tax administration.

Which topics are covered by the VITARA curriculum? 
Covering both institutional arrangements, management of strategic reforms, compliance risk management, information technology and data management, as well as design and management of core taxation processes, the VITARA curriculum represents a comprehensive training package for tax administration management. The curriculum consists of two parts and includes the following topics:

A. Institutional governance, management, and support
  1. Institutional governance
  2. Compliance risk management
  3. Organization
  4. Strategic management
  5. Information technology and data management
  6. Reform management (Fundamentals and Specific Topics)
  7. Human resource management
  8. Performance management
  9. Enterprise risk management
B. Core functions of tax administration
  1. Introduction to tax administration
  2. Taxpayer registration
  3. Taxpayer services
  4. Filing of declarations
  5. Payment and debt collection
  6. Audit program
  7. Dispute resolution
  8. Revenue management


Please see the reference guides for the details of courses being offered:


To view available courses and apply, please visit:


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Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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