Nature Based Solutions: An Introduction and Case Studies
Nature based solutions (NBS) are interventions inspired and supported by nature and benefit biodiversity while supporting the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. They are cost-effective, builds resilience, and provide environmental, social and economic benefits. NBS are effective in restoring and enhancing wetland functions and ecosystem services, which may be impaired when ecological processes are disturbed by activities such as agricultural reclamation, flood /shore protection, urbanization, ddredging/navigation, water pollution, and construction of roadways/utilities. Before NBS are undertaken, developers and project owners need to go through an assessment or feasibility stage where all or some of the following should be ascertained: (i) geomorphic and ecological Setting (including hydrologic and sediment regime, climate and geology, etc.), (ii) physical constraints, (iii) social and economic Issues; (iv) management goals; and (v) regulatory issues.