[Session Recording] Technical Session 4: Financing Green, Resilient and Inclusive Agriculture, and Future

Event: Asia-Pacific Rural Development and Food Security Forum 2022: Battling Climate Change and Transforming Agri-food Systems

[Session Recording] Technical Session 4: Financing Green, Resilient and Inclusive Agriculture, and Future

24 March 2022

Financing is key to promoting the implementation and adoption of innovations and technologies on-the-ground. This session will discuss innovative approaches to mobilize finances for smallholder farmers while emphasizing the role of multilateral development banks, public development banks, blended financing, and community-led financing, among others. Discussions will highlight natural capital financing, and knowledge sharing on green valuation, eco-compensation, and digitizing supply chains.


  • Register: bit.ly/3tL8HCp
  • Read more: bit.ly/3IVlyrL
  • Program: bit.ly/3CZp6XR
  • LinkedIn: bit.ly/3JvRUty
  • Highlights: bit.ly/3HX3UCN
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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