Managing and Analyzing Biodiversity Data

Event: The Modern Road Ecologist’s Toolbox

Managing and Analyzing Biodiversity Data

06 July 2021

When free or open-source data do not exist, the data needs to be collected through other means. The second module covered tools and best practices for rapidly collecting spatial data to inform biodiversity assessment for projects. It discussed the importance of sharing data with project partners and collaborators while also keeping it secure. Historically, sharing large spatial data files, creating static cartography and reports was an intensive and laborious task. Today, we can utilize dynamic dashboards to visualize spatial and tabular data. These dynamic dashboards can be accessed by project team members from anywhere in the world and enable smooth and efficient data collation, analysis and communication. Featuring an ongoing ADB project in Nepal as a case study the resource persons demonstrated how to build data collection tools and a secure project dashboard using the ArcGIS Platform.  Spatial Data Analysis Explorer (SPADE), an interactive geospatial web-based data platform in ADB was also demonstrated in the module. Discussions were held on the advantages and opportunities for interlinking data sources and platforms such as those demonstrated in the module and other global data platforms.

Geographical Focus: 
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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