Stakeholder Consultation: Cambodia Country Partnership Strategy 2019-2023

Event: Stakeholder Consultation: Cambodia Country Partnership Strategy 2019-2023

Stakeholder Consultation: Cambodia Country Partnership Strategy 2019-2023

08 January 2019

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has started the process of crafting the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) 2019-2023 for Cambodia by holding a series of consultations with stakeholders.

To ensure that its future interventions are inclusive and responding to the needs of Cambodia and its people, consultations process to formulate the CPS has expanded to include stakeholders at both national and sub-national level.

Sub-national consultations were carried out from 8-11 January in three provinces of Battambang, Kratie and Svay Rieng where more than 100 representatives of various stakeholders groups including government, civil society organizations, private sector, academia, and communities participated and provided feedback on CPS priorities and selectivity of ADB operations.

National consultations with line ministries, development partners, private sector, and civil society organizations will be conducted from 30 January to 8 February, following the CPS retreat with managers and staff from ADB’s sector divisions and peer reviewers on 24-25 January at the ADB Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. 

Embracing priority areas set in the government’s development strategy and ADB Strategy 2030, as well as challenges brought by the evaluation of technology, the Cambodia CPS 2019-2023 will strive to promote green growth and competitive, human resource development, and public sector management. The CPS will be launched later this year. 

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Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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