Smart Grid Innovation: The "Other" Network R&D

Event: Smart Grid Technologies and Implications for Inclusive Development in Sri Lanka

Smart Grid Innovation: The "Other" Network R&D

03 April 2018
Author / Speaker: 
Iven Mareels, Federation University, Australia - Email the author | Other materials by the author

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Global internet usage and network connectivity is increasing electric consumption and taxing power systems. 

Professor Iven Mareels paints a picture of the future grid as a federation of cooperating sinks and sources of great diversity in terms of functionality, capacity, and reliability. How much electricity will it then require to power the world? This presentation was featured at the workshop on "Smart Grid Technologies and Implications for Inclusive Development in Sri Lanka," organized by ADB and the University of Melbourne. Mareels is Lab Director at IBM Research and professor at the Melbourne School of Engineering.

Geographical Focus: 
Sri Lanka
Subregional- South Asia
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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