MYA: Capacity Building for Implementing Environmental and Social Safeguard Systems REPORT ON TA 7566

Event: Country Safeguard Systems: Southeast Asia

MYA: Capacity Building for Implementing Environmental and Social Safeguard Systems REPORT ON TA 7566

28 February 2014

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The national seminar hosted by the Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MOECAF) was held on February 10, 2014, followed by a regional safeguard awareness raising event on February 11, 2014. The seminar was aimed to share a common appreciation among participants on the nascent initiatives of developing a country safeguard system (CSS). In view of the participation of representatives across different line ministries, regional government officials, representatives from civil society, and development partners, the seminar was able to provide a forum for discussion on gaps that pertain to environmental and social safeguards regulatory frameworks, institutional strengthening and coordination, civil society and community engagement, and overall implementation and monitoring. Through interactive panel discussions, participants were able to raise questions and provide diverse insights on moving forward to develop an environmental and social safeguard system for Myanmar.

Geographical Focus: 
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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