INO: Capacity Development for Social Safeguard Preparation and Implementation in Water Resource Management and Energy — Workshop Report

Event: Country Safeguard Systems: Southeast Asia

INO: Capacity Development for Social Safeguard Preparation and Implementation in Water Resource Management and Energy — Workshop Report

31 July 2013

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For the ADB TA 7566-REG (Subproject): Capacity Development for Social Safeguard Preparation and Implementation in Water Resources and Energy in Indonesia, the team of consultants that is providing assistance to the Directorate of Water Management and Irrigation at BAPPENAS has prepared a GAP Analysis and Compliance Recommendations on the IŶdoŶesiaŶ “oĐial “afeguaƌd “LJsteŵs aŶd the ADB͛s “afeguaƌd PoliĐLJ “tateŵeŶt foƌ Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples.

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