KGZ: Guidelines for the assessment of planned activities on the environment (EIA) in the Kyrgyz Republic
04 June 1997
EIA is mandatory for activities specified
tions in Annex 2 (a list can be adjusted). For types of activities
FAD specified in Annex 3, EIA developed for benign
voluntary basis.
On the objects and activities not included in these lists,decide whether an EIA is taken by the Ministry of
environmental protection of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2.2. EIA is organized and conducted in the preparation of the next video
Dov and project documentation:
concepts, programs and plans, sectoral and territorial cosocioeconomic development;
schemes of complex use and protection of natural resources;
urban development (see. Annex 7);
construction, reconstruction, modernization and
elimination of economic and other objects and systems that provide
impact on the environment.
Geographical Focus:
Kyrgyz Republic
Type of Content:
Learning Event