Workshop on Transition Finance in Asia


Workshop on Transition Finance in Asia

06 July 2022 to 07 July 2022

Global asset owners are increasingly prioritizing “green” investments in their portfolios and establishing clear and well-explained targets in this regard. To convince global investors to finance issuers and projects in Asia that have yet to become “green,” it is important to consider information transparency, quality data, sector-level decarbonization roadmaps, related corporate disclosure, and verifiable transition-related key performance indicators (KPIs), and accepted principles and standards. In addition, to avoid complexity, global investors would prefer more common “transition finance” related criteria and a more common disclosure framework in the region.

This workshop discussed policy strategies associated with emerging approaches to transition finance criteria and disclosure across Asia. It also provided insight on transition finance criteria and disclosure which could foster constructive dialogue between investors and issuers. This included taxonomies, identification of hard-to-abate sectors’ transition roadmaps, corporate disclosure on transition strategy, and verifiable transition-related KPIs.


See more about this ADBI event here.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
06 Jul 2022 More information can be found here.


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