SECURE Webinar 2: Making Women’s Challenges and Roles in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programs Visible


SECURE Webinar 2: Making Women’s Challenges and Roles in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programs Visible

31 March 2022

In celebration of International Women’s Month, ADB Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division organized the second SECURE Webinar on Making Women’s Challenges and Roles in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programs Visible.

The webinar brought together experts, scholars, and practitioners to share experiences and observations over gender concerns that beset the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination programs globally to help inform and strengthen the current and future vaccination initiatives within the Southeast Asia region.

The webinar discussed gender dimensions for vaccination planning and mobilization, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine communication and community engagement. To know more about the event and the speakers, click this video and check the program note and agenda.

Program and Learning Materials: 


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