Scaling Up Nature-Positive Investment in Asia and the Pacific

Series: ADB Participation at the 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16)

Scaling Up Nature-Positive Investment in Asia and the Pacific

28 October 2024

Finance for nature continues to be significantly below what is required to bend the curve and restore biodiversity at scale. On Finance Day at COP16, this session will explore progress in implementing Goal D and Target 19 of the Kunming—Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework for mobilizing finance for nature, particularly the role of partnership in scaling the work among multilateral and bilateral agencies, foundations, and civil society organizations.   

At the event, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will launch its inaugural Biodiversity and Nature Bond, focusing on nature-based solutions (NBS). Building on the experiences of Green and Blue Bonds, the Biodiversity and Nature Bond will mobilize private capital for investment projects related to nature conservation and mainstreaming biodiversity in production sectors.   

The event will include a keynote presentation from TNC followed by a panel discussion among partners, including AFD, ADB, and TNC.  They will inform on various innovative financing mechanisms and share successes and challenges to mobilize both public and private finance for nature. Developing countries struggle to find financial resources to support biodiversity-focused initiatives, while there is clear evidence that investing in nature can deliver for climate and livelihoods. This session will examine new and innovative financing mechanisms and grant resources that can be accessed by the countries, such as the Nature Solutions Finance Hub launched by ADB with partners, and aims to mobilize USD 5 billion by 2030 to reduce the financial gap for biodiversity.  

Experiences at the country level will also be shared, including those of the governments of Fiji and Thailand, to provide their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities and what can be done to fill the funding gap. Fiji will also talk about its first Blue Bond issued in 2023, and Thailand will talk about its growing interest in green finance. 

Messages of support will also be provided by the GEF and CBD secretariat.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
28 Oct 2024 Introduction Duncan Lang, Senior Environment Specialist, ADB
28 Oct 2024 Message of Support Recorded Video Message Roberta Casali, Vice President Finance and Risk Management, ADB
28 Oct 2024 Message of Support CBD Secretariat, TBC
28 Oct 2024 Keynote Address Melissa Garvey, The Nature Conservancy
28 Oct 2024 Panel Discussion Moderator: Duncan Lang, ADB Panelists:
Sivendra Michael, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Climate, Fiji

Jennifer Romero-Torres, Sustainable Finance Lead, ADB

Pattarin Tongsima, ONEP, Thailand


Melissa Garvey, TNC
28 Oct 2024 Questions and Answers
28 Oct 2024 Message of Support GEF Secretariat, TBC
28 Oct 2024 Closing Remarks Arend Kulenkampff, Director, Sustainability-Linked Sovereign Debt Hub, NatureFinance


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