CRPP Talks 3: Scaling Up Locally-Led Adaptation in Agriculture


CRPP Talks 3: Scaling Up Locally-Led Adaptation in Agriculture

20 June 2024

Veronica Doerr, Research Program Manager at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), shared their experiences with locally-led adaptation through agricultural investments during the Community Resilience Partnership Program (CRPP) Talks webinar held on 20 June 2024. She presented specific cases from ACIAR's work and emphasized the importance of incorporating local systems change, involving multiple stakeholders, in both the planning and implementation of systemic agricultural initiatives.

(This webinar is part of the CRPP Talks series, which aims to share knowledge on emerging issues, innovations, good practices, and lessons on designing and implementing climate adaptation projects that build local resilience.)

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
20 Jun 2024 Presentation Scaling Up Locally-Led Adaptation in Agriculture
This presentation highlights the importance of incorporating local systems change, involving multiple stakeholders, in both the planning and implementation...
Veronica Doerr


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