Roundtable for Knowledge Partnerships with Local Academic Institutions: Stronger, Better, and Faster Practical Knowledge for Development


Roundtable for Knowledge Partnerships with Local Academic Institutions: Stronger, Better, and Faster Practical Knowledge for Development

27 April 2016

For the last 50 years, the Philippines has graciously hosted the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its premises. Local academic institutions such as the University of the Philippines, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, and the Asian Institute of Management, on their own or in various partnerships with ADB through the years, have undertaken initiatives that contribute to ADB’s vision of a poverty-free Asia and Pacific region. These initiatives ranged from building the capacity of national and local leaders to manage complex governance structures, to exploring solutions to address the growing challenges of urbanization, climate change, and more, to undertaking research to expand the region’s knowledge base in multiple focus areas.

Combining the knowledge and experience of local academic institutions with ADB’s extensive practical knowledge from its operations can lead to the crafting of more innovative and sustainable knowledge solutions that yield bigger, better, and brighter results not just for the Philippines, but for the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

This year, ADB has introduced the knowledge partnership agreement (KPA) as a new modality to optimize the benefits from partnerships. KPAs are non-commercial agreements that allow ADB and knowledge partners who share a common goal to jointly develop and deliver work programs.

This roundtable discussion aimed to kick start a more cohesive and productive partnership between ADB and local academic institutions in the Philippines, with the end in view of ultimately doing more to help communities lead better lives.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
27 Apr 2016 Opening Remarks James Nugent
27 Apr 2016 Forging Strategic Knowledge Partnerships
Partnerships between ADB and the academe may just yield more innovative and sustainable knowledge solutions for the Asia-Pacific region. Knowledge ...
Ryu Fukui
27 Apr 2016 Roundtable Discussion: Governance ADB's Work on Governance and Public Sector Management: Partnering Possibilities with Local Academic Insitutions
This presentation focuses on Asian Development Bank's governance operations and how the local academic institutions can contribute to crafting innovative...
Gambhir Bhatta
27 Apr 2016 Roundtable Discussion: Education Roundtable for Knowledge Partnerships: Opportunities in the Education Sector
This presentation focuses on Asian Development Bank's education operations. Itshares possible ways on how local academic institutions can contribute to...
Brajesh Panth
27 Apr 2016 Roundtable Discussion: Asia-Pacific Region Economic Effects of Infrastructure and Governance of Infrastructure
Thispresentation shares cases that demonstrate the economic effects of infrastructure and gives a snapshot of the governance of infrastructure. It also...
Naoyuki Yoshino
27 Apr 2016 Moving Forward: Networking with Academic Institutions Input on the Knowledge Portal
Development Asia is a new portal that offers easy-to-digest content for online users. It also aims to build and expand online communities to promote collaboration...
Carolyn Dedolph Cabrera


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