Road User Charges in a Green Future


Road User Charges in a Green Future

04 July 2024

This event highlighted how the traditional way of charging road users based on fuel consumption will become obsolete, as more people switch to electric vehicles and other low-carbon modes, and how this leaves a funding gap for the road sector, requiring new systems that encourage green mobility alongside financial sustainability. The presenters, Serge Cartier van Dissel and Alexandra Spernol, reviewed and present (1) the user-charging regimes in place in a number of countries to illustrate the significance of the issue at play; and (2) the latest technologies and strategies for designing road-user charging systems that are compatible with the shift to cleaner vehicles, which can provide stable and sustainable source of funding for roads in the future. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
18 Jul 2024 Presentations Road Funds Country case studies Practical examples
Alexandra Spernol
18 Jul 2024 Presentations Road Maintenance Financing and Cost Recovery Options
Serge Cartier van Dissel


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