Protecting Biodiversity Through Environment Safeguards

Series: ADB Participation at the 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16)

Protecting Biodiversity Through Environment Safeguards

29 October 2024

ADB and EBRD are both in the process of updating our safeguard policies, with ADB creating an entirely new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) with associated Environmental and Social Standards, while EBRD is looking to update its existing Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and associated Requirements For both organizations this process will better reflect existing and future safeguard challenges being faced. ADB and EBRD will have a dedicated Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resources Management standard. These standards have been drafted to reflect the development challenges of our member countries and private sector clients while still employing good international practice. 

The employment of safeguards policies for the lending of ADB, EBRD, and other MDBs, as well as Equator Principles banks, directly responds to a large number of the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF), including Targets 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, and 23. Safeguards are, therefore, an essential mechanism to respond to the global biodiversity crisis. 

This session, moderated by Henrik Linders, Managing Director, Environment and Sustainability at EBRD, will share insights on the evolving Biodiversity Standards for development banks, including ADB’s ESF and EBRD’s ESP. Speakers from EBRD, ADB, WWF, GBIF, TBC, and WCMC will discuss these frameworks, how they can deliver against GBF Targets, and how further tools, partnerships, and guidance can enhance and strengthen implementation. Closing thoughts will also be provided from TNFD on the need for enhanced impacts and dependencies disclosures and how this can align with MDB requirements. 

Join and watch ADB-led side events at COP16:

For other COP16 MDB Pavilion events, click here.

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Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
29 Oct 2024 Introduction Henrik Linders, Managing Director, Environment and Sustainability, EBRD
29 Oct 2024 Keynote Address The Importance of Environmental and Social Safeguards in Delivering the Objectives of the GBF Henrik Linders, Managing Director, Environment and Sustainability, EBRD
29 Oct 2024 Panel Discussion Moderator:

Nina Mikander, BirdLife International


Duncan Lang, ADB

Kate Newman, WWF

Hilary Goodson, GBIF

Stacey Baggaley/ Rodrigo Cassola, UNEP-WCMC

Malcolm Starkey, TBC
29 Oct 2024 Questions and Answers Questions and Answers
29 Oct 2024 Closing Remarks


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