Natural Capital Lab Webinar Series #1: Policy Instruments to Facilitate Natural Capital Investment


Natural Capital Lab Webinar Series #1: Policy Instruments to Facilitate Natural Capital Investment

19 March 2024

Asia and the Pacific’s unparalleled, rich biodiversity have been an important driver of the region’s rapid economic growth during the past three decades. The region contributed 70% of the growth in global gross domestic product (GDP) from 2013‒2023, with growth in GDP per capita being highest in Asia. Economic growth in the region was expected to continue at a significant rate, but its development prospects and the future of 60% of the world’s population (4.3 billion) were at risk due to the rapid depletion of its natural capital and degradation of the ecosystem services provided to people.

The climate-food-nature nexus highlighted the interconnected relationship between climate change, food systems, and the natural environment. To address these challenges, it was important to embed nature in investment and policy decisions. This could be done by valuing ecosystem services, investing in nature-based solutions, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, enhancing climate-smart food systems, mainstreaming nature in policy frameworks, and fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

Natural capital investments with appropriate policies provided the necessary guidelines and regulations to align environmental investments with sustainability goals. With the right policies in place, investments were guided towards environmentally responsible practices and fostered positive outcomes that were key to achieving the overall goals of protecting and growing nature while also achieving economic and social prosperity.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
19 Mar 2024 Opening Introduction Narayan Iyer, Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist (Agribusiness), SG-AFNR, ADB
19 Mar 2024 Opening Welcome Remarks Qingfeng Zhang, Senior Director, SG-AFNR, ADB

Mary Ruckelshaus, Executive Director, The Natural Capital Project and Senior Research Associate, Stanford University
19 Mar 2024 Presentation Policy Options to Facilitate Natural Capital Investment : Bringing the Value of Nature into Economics
This presentation gives an overview ofbringing the value of nature into economics, finance, and policy, with a focus on sustainable development and the...
Stephen Polasky
19 Mar 2024 Open Discussion
19 Mar 2024 Closing Closing Remarks Yoko Watanabe, Director, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department, ADB


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