Middle Corridor: What Are the Economic Opportunities and Challenges?


Middle Corridor: What Are the Economic Opportunities and Challenges?

23 January 2024

As trade volumes between Asia and Europe witness continual growth and geopolitical events disrupt established trade routes, major trading and logistics companies are actively exploring avenues to diversify and optimize transportation routes for enhanced sustainability.

The Middle Corridor, also known as the Trans-Caspian Corridor, spans through Central Asia and traverses the Caspian Sea. The Middle Corridor was, until recently, considered the second-best option to the Northern Corridor for connecting Europe and Asia, boasting a potential reduction of up to 3,000 km, according to a recent report by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

While the full realization of the corridor's potential promises long-term benefits for all participating countries, a crucial aspect is the analysis of the economic costs and opportunities associated with overcoming the infrastructural challenges along the route. Specifically, this virtual roundtable explored some questions regarding the issue.

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23 Jan 2024 More information can be found here.


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