Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education: An Online Workshop for Policymakers, Teacher Educators, and School Leaders


Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education: An Online Workshop for Policymakers, Teacher Educators, and School Leaders

05 October 2020 to 12 October 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic has had huge disruptive effects on normal life, difficult as it already was in many countries. For schools, students and parents, the impact of closed schools and children stuck at home with little or no access to learning, the effect has been devastating. Experts estimate that a whole year of learning could be lost, meaning a whole cohort of students could be permanently lagging behind in their learning.

The crisis and the response to it has exposed weaknesses in educational systems, while creating opportunities to reshape school education to a new paradigm that is more resilient and robust. This pandemic is not the first, nor will it be the last, to impact countries and schools. Such crises are becoming increasingly likely with climate change, technological disruptions and globalised connectivity.

The solution lies in neither a top-down approach from policymakers, reactive changes to teacher preparation and in-service training, nor temporary makeshift arrangements by under-resourced principals and teachers. All parties need to be involved in developing strategies that can be implemented in the near-term as well as long-term. A dialogue across all levels of education is therefore critical in making informed policy to prepare for the new normal in school education.

There exists now a small window of opportunity to learn from each country and experts and in developing a dialogue of expectations and requirements as we move ahead to the next phase of meeting post-COVID-19 challenges, knowing that the world will never be the same again. It is also an opportunity to address the rigidities in the education system of many countries that were exposed by the pandemic.

ADB and the HEAD Foundation (THF) organized this five-day online workshop for policy makers, teacher trainers and school leaders, led by international education experts, to chart the way forward and address the key issues.

Expected Program Outcomes:

  1. Commitment to increase the nature and pace of education reform, and to dedicate more resources to education
  2. Greater awareness of the ‘new normal’ in education, and what it means in terms of new skill sets, technology, and training.
  3. Greater alignment between policymakers, school leaders, and teacher trainers
  4. ADB’s and THF’s commitment to support initiatives that turn crises into opportunities to speed up reform, build system resilience, and support decentralization.

Proposed Participant Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain a good overview of what countries including Singapore are doing to meet the challenges and opportunities of a post-COVID world in education. 
  2. Examine how decentralization can stimulate innovation as well as flexibility in the delivery of curriculum and assessment, and prepare students better for the future.
  3. Learn how policymakers can synergize better with school leaders and teacher trainers so that policies specifically pertaining to curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, and technology can be reformed in a relevant manner to ensure enhanced support and resources for the ‘new normal’ in school education.
  4. Create alignment between curriculum, teaching, assessment, and learning in school and non-school environments to meet ‘new normal’ educational challenges.
  5. Learn how other countries are managing school re-opening and student learning recovery.
  6. Discover approaches to re-envision the classroom to promote and sustain student-centred and creative pedagogies.
  7. Master strategies and skills needed to promote hybrid delivery of curriculum.
  8. Learn ways to empower students and teachers and parents to manage new challenges in ‘new normal’ schooling.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
04 Oct 2020 For School Leaders COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry
This is a resource website by the American Academy of Pediatrics, with guidance for school re-entry.The purpose of this guidance is to support communities...
04 Oct 2020 For School Leaders Schools and Child Care Programs- Plan, Prepare, and Respond
This is a resource website created by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for school leaders and administrators, and community...
04 Oct 2020 For School Leaders Q&A: Schools and COVID-19
The World Health Organisation provides a list of questions and corresponding concise recommendations and checklists on the safe reopening of schools.
04 Oct 2020 For School Leaders FAQs for COVID-19 Infection in Singapore
This is a resource website by Singapore’s Ministry of Education, with guidelines for precautionary measures that can be adopted by schools, the conduct...
04 Oct 2020 For Teacher Educators and Policymakers TPD@Scale Coalition for the Global South
The TPD@Scale Coalition for the Global South is a collaborative effort of ministries of education and other government agencies; international organizations...
04 Oct 2020 For Teacher Educators and Policymakers Distance and Online Learning for Universities: Supporting Planning for and Implementation of Quality Online Teaching and Learning
This website, an initiative by The Education University of Hong Kong, guides and supports universities and their teaching staff to plan for and implement...
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
05 Oct 2020 Opening Remarks Vignesh Naidu, The HEAD Foundation
05 Oct 2020 Session 1: State of Education and Progress Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education (Bangladesh)
Country presentation of Bangladesh on meeting the new normal in school education.
05 Oct 2020 Session 1: State of Education and Progress Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education (Cambodia)
Country presentation of Cambodiaon meeting the new normal in school education.
05 Oct 2020 Session 1: State of Education and Progress Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education (Kyrgyz Republic)
Country presentation of Kyrgyz Republic on meeting the new normal in school education.
05 Oct 2020 Session 1: State of Education and Progress Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education (Lao PDR)
Country presentation of Lao PDR on meeting the new normal in school education.
05 Oct 2020 Session 1: State of Education and Progress Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal in School Education (Viet Nam)
Country presentation of Viet Namon meeting the new normal in school education.
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
06 Oct 2020 Session 2: Group Sessions (in parallel) Reopening Schools Safely
This presentation outlines the necessary factors to be considered to ensure everyone's safety in reopening of schools amid a pandemic.
Andrew Paterson
06 Oct 2020 Session 2: Group Sessions (in parallel) Preparing Teachers for the New Normal
What competencies/dispositions do teacher educators need to prepare teachers for the “new normal”?Download this presentation to learn more.
Christine Kim-Eng Lee
06 Oct 2020 Session 2: Group Sessions (in parallel) Flexibility in Curriculum and Assessment
In the real world, there are no correct answers, only optimal ones. Download this presentation to learn more about flexibility in curriculum and assessment...
N Varaprasad
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
07 Oct 2020 Session 3: Group Sessions (in parallel) Technology and Pedagogy – Envisioning Teacher Training
This session examines how inclusive and quality teacher professional development could be designed and implemented to develop teacher competencies for...
Cher Ping Lim
07 Oct 2020 Session 3: Group Sessions (in parallel) Transforming Teaching & Learning in School Education with Education Technology Platforms
Learn more about the global trends in education technology.
07 Oct 2020 Session 3: Group Sessions (in parallel) Technology and Pedagogy: (Re)-ENVISIONing the Classroom
Innovation is perceived as a black box, difficult to learn and hardto implement cohort wide. Learn how educators can cope with the changes in the new ...
John Yeo
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Oct 2020 Session 4: Group Sessions (in parallel) Group work sessions: Integrated presentation preparation by each country
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 3 Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal (Bangladesh)
Presentation of the representatives from Bangladesh onmeeting the challenges of the new normal in education.
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 3 Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal (Cambodia)
Presentation of the representatives from Cambodia onmeeting the challenges of the new normal in education.
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 3 Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal (Kyrgyz Republic)
Presentation of the representatives from Kyrgyz Republiconmeeting the challenges of the new normal in education.
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 3 Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal (Lao PDR)
Presentation of the representatives from Lao PDRonmeeting the challenges of the new normal in education.
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 3 Meeting the Challenges of the New Normal (Viet Nam)
Presentation of the representatives from Viet Nam onmeeting the challenges of the new normal in education.
12 Oct 2020 Plenary Session 4


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