Main Page: Enhancing Tax Transparency of ADB Developing Member Countries


Main Page: Enhancing Tax Transparency of ADB Developing Member Countries

16 June 2023

Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) 9433, Enhancing Tax Transparency of ADB Developing Member Countries (DMCs), is an ADB initiative focused on enhancing the capacity of ADB DMCs to (i) meet internationally agreed standards on tax transparency, (ii) counter tax evasion, and (iii) protect themselves against aggressive forms of tax planning known as base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). It is a knowledge and support technical assistance project that was launched in December 2017 and will be implemented across Asia and the Pacific until January 2021.

QADB recognizes that, as an international financial institution with a mandate to pursue sustainable development, it has a role to play in reducing tax evasion and the erosion of the domestic tax base of DMCs. Tax evasion and BEPS are global concerns, however, their impact on developing countries is particularly acute since they deprive governments of resources that could otherwise support sustainable development. Through RETA 9433, ADB helps DMCs to participate and benefit from the implementation of international standards on exchange of information (EOI) – both EOI on request (EOIR) and automatic EOI (AEOI) – and BEPS.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 Apr 2024 17 April 2024 Impact of the Pillar II Project – Global Minimum Tax Rules on Tax Incentives and Post-Pillar Two Tax Incentives
ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity organized the“Impact of the Pillar II project – Global Minimum Tax Rules on Tax Incentives and Post-Pillar...
17 Apr 2024 XX Month 2024 SUB PAGE 2 - Learning Series in the future
17 Apr 2024 XX Month 2024 SUB PAGE 3 - Learning Series in the future


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