Lessons from COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific, ADB’s response, and Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility (APVAX): A conversation with ADB experts


Lessons from COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific, ADB’s response, and Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility (APVAX): A conversation with ADB experts

24 March 2021

via Zoom 


Developing Asia and the Pacific has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, threatening hard-won gains in poverty reduction and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals – millions of people have been infected with COVID19 and regional economic output contracted for the first time since the 1960s.

Since the onset of the pandemic, ADB has worked intensively with its developing member countries to combat the pandemic and plan for an effective recovery. This work has been done in close cooperation with a wide range of partners, many from Europe. Private sector engagement has played a vital role in ADB’s response.

This interactive conversation brought together leading members of ADB’s team to share their experiences and perspectives, one year into the pandemic. The team also highlighted how ADB plans to partner with Europe to assist developing Asia and the Pacific overcome and recover from COVID19. The team discussed ADB’s Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility (APVAX), a $9 billion vaccine initiative to assist its developing members in vaccine procurement and distribution.

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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