Knowledge Sharing by ADB Interns


Knowledge Sharing by ADB Interns

25 July 2017

Three students who interned at ADB presented their research findings on topics including Inclusive Green Growth Index, ASEAN integration and new technology, and state-owned enterprise reforms in the People’s Republic of China. Their internship is part of the partnership between ADB’s Governance Thematic Group and Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Jul 2017 Presentation Inclusive Green Growth Index: A New Benchmarking for Well-Being in Asia and the Pacific
After decades focusing on economic production, the development trend has shifted toward creating social inclusion and environmental sustainability. However...
Radtasiri Wachirapunyanont
25 Jul 2017 Presentation The Evolution of State-Owned Enterprise Reforms in the People’s Republic of China and Latest Practices
State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) play a major role in the People’s Republic of China’s economy, and SOE reforms are high on the agenda of policymakers. ...
Liu Man
25 Jul 2017 Presentation ASEAN at 50: What Does the Fourth Industrial Revolution Mean for ASEAN Integration?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)—the interactions of technologies across the physical, digital, and biological realms—is occurring at unprecedented...
Sovannaroth Tey


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