The Integrity Learning Series: Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Pakistan Executing and Implementing Agencies

Series: The Integrity Learning Series

The Integrity Learning Series: Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Pakistan Executing and Implementing Agencies

10 May 2023


On 10 May 2023, the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) and Central and West Asia Department's Portfolio, Results, Safeguards and Gender Unit (CWOD-PSG) held a hybrid integrity learning session for more than 80 Pakistan portfolio executing and implementing agencies and project implementation unit personnel. The session was part of a 2-day hybrid Integrated Capacity Development Training Program organized by the Pakistan Resident Mission from 10–11 May 2023. The integrity capacity-building session, which is part of OAI’s Integrity Learning Series under RETA 9703, was tailored for participants who have oversight involvement and project responsibility. CWRD’s Shaista Hussain and OAI’s Noel Anderson were the main speakers for the anticorruption and integrity session. The session aimed to increase awareness of potential integrity risks and remedial actions and improve skills in corruption and integrity risk detection, assessment, and prevention.

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Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
10 May 2023 Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Pakistan Executing and Implementing Agencies Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Pakistan Executing and Implementing Agencies
The session was tailored for participants who have oversight involvement and project responsibility. It aimed to increase awareness of potential integrity...
Noel B. Anderson


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