High-Speed Rail Webinar Series: Policy Considerations for National High-Speed Rail Network Construction—Cases from Italy


High-Speed Rail Webinar Series: Policy Considerations for National High-Speed Rail Network Construction—Cases from Italy

09 May 2024

This webinar explored the evolution of Italy’s high-speed rail (HSR) system, examined the economic, political, and social drivers behind its development. Understanding the challenges faced in financing HSR projects and dissecting institutional arrangements for operation and maintenance in Italy sets the stage for lessons applicable to developing Asian countries, particularly India.

Practical insights were presented to policy makers during the webinar, facilitated informed decision-making in developing Asia. By drawing parallels and offering applicable lessons, the event contributed to the successful implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects in the region. As stewards of transformative initiatives, participants benefited from the practical insights derived from Italy's experiences, enhanced their ability to navigate challenges and optimized outcomes in their respective contexts.

The webinar consisted of three main sessions: (1) History of HSR Development in Italy; (2) Challenges and Issues in Financing HSR in Italy; and (3) Institutional Arrangements for Operation and Maintenance of HSR in Italy. The closing session was titled, “Lessons for Developing Asia”. The speakers were from Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Italy, and the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
09 May 2024 More information can be found here.


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