Financing Biodiversity Conservation in Infrastructure Projects

Series: ADB Participation at the 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16)

Financing Biodiversity Conservation in Infrastructure Projects

23 October 2024

It is estimated that there is a biodiversity financing gap of about US$711 billion per year. In comparison, only about $133 billion was spent on biodiversity conservation in 2019, while financing for subsidies that were harmful to nature was estimated to be two to four times this amount. Twenty percent of the $133 billion was estimated to be spent on natural infrastructure, comprising mainly watershed and water resource protection measures.

Historically, infrastructure has been a significant driver of biodiversity loss and environmental pollution. In addition, it contributes to climate change on the one hand and is highly vulnerable to climate change on the other hand. However, the world still needs significant infrastructure expansion to make electricity, drinking water, proper sanitation, and access roads available to every individual globally. This will require about $1.5 trillion of investment every year till 2030. This is an excellent opportunity to change the narrative, scale up financing for biodiversity conservation through infrastructure projects, and contribute to achieving the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) targets. In this session, speakers from national governments, financiers including multi-lateral and bi-lateral financiers, and NGOs will discuss approaches for mobilizing finance for biodiversity conservation in infrastructure projects. Discussions in the session will cover:   

  1. Existing approaches for including and financing biodiversity conservation activities in infrastructure projects 
  2. Risks and opportunities posed by infrastructure development for meeting the GBF target of 30 by 30.  
  3. Financing mechanisms and instruments for financing biodiversity conservation in infrastructure projects  
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
23 Oct 2024 Introduction and Welcome Stephen O’Drischoll, Head of Nature, EIB
23 Oct 2024 Presentations National Government Systems for Financing Biodiversity in Infrastructure Projects
23 Oct 2024 The Case of Bangladesh Railways Md. Shuboktagin, Project Director, Bangladesh Railways
23 Oct 2024 Barbados Roofs to Reef Program Ricardo Marshall, Director, Roofs to Reef Program, Barbados
23 Oct 2024 Panel Discussion Panelists:
Kate Newman, Vice President, WWF US
Eva Mayerhofer, Climate and Social Office, EIB
Norikaki Sakaguchi
Hopeton Peterson, Caribbean Development Bank
23 Oct 2024 Closing Remarks Ani Dasgupta, WRI (TBC)


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