Financial Management in ADB Sovereign Operations e-Learning Course
Available online
An online course on the fundamentals of financial management (FM) in ADB-financed projects for staff and officers of implementing and executing agencies. Participants can choose from any of the four learning journeys and take only the modules they need. This course can be taken at anytime and each module takes about 20-30 minutes.
In this course, Executing and Implementing Agencies' staff learn the FM-related roles and responsibilities of a borrowing entity and what to expect during project preparation, implementation, and completion. They can also familiarize themselves with FM-related information and documentation to be prepared and submitted to ADB during project implementation and completion, such as the periodic project reports and audited project and/or entity financial statements, and learn about the ADB review and monitoring process.
Enroll anytime in this free online course and get a certificate upon completion.