Designing Competition Policy for Economic Development

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Designing Competition Policy for Economic Development

16 December 2024

In this joint webinar of the Asian Impact Webinars and Competition Policy Dialogues, we examined the critical role of competition policy in national economic development. Drawing from the findings of the book Designing Competition Policy for Economic Development in Asia and the Pacific, speakers Hon. Arsenio Balisacan, Commissioner Lolibeth Medrano, Chief Economist Albert Park, and Professor Yasuyuki Sawada addressed key issues for policymakers and industry leaders in both online and traditional markets. The panel discussed how competition policy could support economic development in Asia and the Pacific, providing an opportunity for competition authorities, government officials, and experts to engage in dialogue and explore strategies for dynamic markets and a prosperous future.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
16 Dec 2024 For more information, click here.


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