Conference on Rural Economic Transformation: Pathways to Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity in Post-COVID-19 Asia


Conference on Rural Economic Transformation: Pathways to Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity in Post-COVID-19 Asia

17 November 2021 to 19 November 2021

Decades of strong growth in Asia and the Pacific may help economies in the region recover more swiftly from the COVID-19 pandemic, but uneven recovery threatens to undermine hard-won poverty reduction and will require new ways to achieve inclusive and sustainable prosperity after the pandemic. This is particularly true for rural localities where economic opportunities, aspirations, and policy support remain lacking.

This ADBI conference featured new research on advancing post-COVID-19 rural economic transformation in Asia. It focused on related drivers, opportunities, challenges, and impacts.


See more about this ADBI event.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 Nov 2021 For copy of presentation/s, please click here.


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