Asia Wakes Up to CCUS


Asia Wakes Up to CCUS

21 June 2019

An Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2019 Deep Dive Workshop

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has estimated that in order to limit average global temperature rise to 2°C below the pre-industrial era in the most economical way, 14% emission reduction will have to come from carbon capture and storage (CCS). In case the ambition is to limit this temperature rise to well below 2°C, then the contribution of CCS will have to be increased to 32%. CCS’s importance in global emission reduction has been further endorsed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report, Global Warming of 1.5°C. In recent years, there is a renewed interest in the storage of Carbon as well as carbon utilization. It is triggered due to international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and technical developments which have to lower the cost of capture. while visualizing new ways of utilizing CO2.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been promoting carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in Asia since 2009 with support from the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, Government of the United Kingdom, as well as the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, Australia. ADB has been working with its developing member countries (DMCs) to identify new opportunities in CCUS, prepare regulatory frameworks, and grow a research network to create opportunities for low carbon development through CCUS implementation. As part of its ongoing efforts to encourage knowledge exchange on CCUS amongst its DMCs, as well as other countries of the world, ADB is organizing the Opportunities for Cooperation on CCUS Research and Pilot Projects Roundtable to be held on 20 June, and the Asia Wakes Up to CCUS Deep Dive Workshop which is set on 21 June 2019. These events will deliberate on issues of CCUS development in Asia and serve as a bridge between stakeholders across the world.

The roundtable served as a closed-door meeting of CCUS stakeholders and centers of excellence (COE). It facilitated the sharing of experiences and explore possibilities of joint research as well as pilot projects. The deep dive workshop introduced state-of-the-art technologies to inspire the implementation of similar projects in Asia and directly leapfrog to the next phase of CCUS development. Selected topics are expected to be transformative with a multiplier effect.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
21 Jun 2019 Welcome Remarks Yongping Zhai, ADB
21 Jun 2019 Opening Remarks Peter Warren, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Government of the United Kingdom
21 Jun 2019 CCUS Current Status and Future Trend Raimund Malischek, International Energy Agency
21 Jun 2019 Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative Jarad Daniels, US Department of Energy
21 Jun 2019 CO2 to Ethanol in Industrial Processes Jennifer Holmgren, LanzaTech
21 Jun 2019 Supercritical CO2 Cycles and their Relevance to CCUS Adam Goff, 8 Rivers Capital
21 Jun 2019 ADB’s Role in CCUS Development in Asia Jinmiao Xu, ADB
21 Jun 2019 Panel Discussion: Jump-starting the Deployment of State-of-the-Art CCUS Technologies in Asia
21 Jun 2019 Session 1 — CO2 -Enhanced Oil Recovery in Asia CO2 -Enhanced Oil Recovery in Asia – Status and Way Forward Panel Discussion Neeraj Gupta, Battelle USA
21 Jun 2019 Session 2 — Financing CCUS Technologies CCUS Financing and Business Case Julien Perez, Oil and Gas Climate Initiative and Xian Zhang, Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21
21 Jun 2019 CCUS Quiz
21 Jun 2019 Session 3 — Showcasing near-term CCUS technologies Innovations in CO2 Utilization
21 Jun 2019 Pathways to Meeting the Challenges by the CCUS Centres of Excellence of Asia
21 Jun 2019 Closing Session Leapfrogging ideas in CCUS - Action Plan for the Future


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