ADBI Virtual Workshop on Effective Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Policies


ADBI Virtual Workshop on Effective Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Policies

25 August 2021 to 27 August 2021

Many developing Asian countries are committed to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, or Nationally Determined Contributions, under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. To achieve these targets, countries have started to plan and implement policies incentivizing emission reductions, such as carbon taxes and emission trading schemes. However, their effectiveness is challenged by factors including policy design, energy prices, and the COVID-19 crisis.

This ADBI virtual workshop will present new research and country-level case studies on the effectiveness of policies to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Asia and the Pacific. It will also examine ways to improve the design and implementation of such measures in the region’s developing economies.


See more about this ADBI event. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Aug 2021 Please check ADBI website for copy of presentations.


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