ADB Distinguished Speakers Program: Raghuram Rajan


ADB Distinguished Speakers Program: Raghuram Rajan

15 November 2006

India has followed an idiosyncratic pattern of development, certainly compared with other fast-growing Asian economies. While the importance of services rather than manufacturing is widely noted, within manufacturing India has emphasized skill-intensive rather than labor-intensive manufacturing, and industries with higher-than-average scale. Some of these distinctive patterns existed prior to the beginning of economic reforms in the 1980s, and stem from the idiosyncratic policies adopted after India's independence. Using the growth of fast-moving Indian states as a guide, Professor Raghuram Rajan concludes that India may not revert to the pattern followed by other countries, despite reforms that have removed some policy impediments that contributed to India's distinctive path.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
15 Nov 2006 Presentation India: The Past and its Future
India has followed an idiosyncratic pattern of development, certainly compared with other fast-growing Asian economies. While the importance of services...
Raghuram Rajan


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