5th Expert Committee Meeting on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region

Series: Expert Committee Meetings on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region

5th Expert Committee Meeting on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region

25 June 2024

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in collaboration with the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (JMAFF), has established the Expert Committee (EC) together with ASEAN participating countries such as the Philippines and Viet Nam and well-established research institutes, to share Japan’s knowledge and experiences in paddy field management to increase food production while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector of the ASEAN region and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and climate change mitigation.

The 5th EC Meeting on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region was held on 25 June at ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines. During the meeting, the EC members agreed on the draft Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) methodology for Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD).

The Joint Crediting Mechanism is a bilateral cooperation mechanism where developing countries and Japan work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transfer the results between them in the form of carbon credits. When farmers implement a JCM project with their partners, depending on their contributions, they will receive JCM credits, which may turn out to be economic incentives for farmers to introduce green innovations on their farms. The new methodology will be submitted to the joint committee between Japan and the Philippines. On the other hand, EC will continue to discuss the methodology in Viet Nam.


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