4th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific


4th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific

03 December 2003 to 05 December 2003

The fourth Regional Anti-Corruption conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, marked the end of the first implementation cycle under the Action Plan. Immediately preceded by the Initiative's 4th Steering Group Meeting, the conference provided an opportunity to discuss past and future reforms, evaluate the existing legal and institutional anti-corruption framework in the region, and encourage additional countries to join the Initiative.

In addition to reviewing past reforms, the conference also aimed at fostering future action and building capacity. A series of workshops addressed anti-corruption issues particularly relevant to the region. In order to share the workshop results with the widest possible audience, the Conference proceedings have been published.

Participants included senior representatives from governments, NGOs, the regional business community, major trade unions and relevant professional associations from ADB and OECD member countries from the Asian and Pacific region, and representatives from the international donor community. In addition, experts from ADB and OECD member countries from outside the region were invited on an ad-hoc basis to share experience on topics of particular interest.

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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