The Guidance Note on Large Hydropower Plants has been made public online since 13 February to generate comments from stakeholders in different sectors. The main objective of the note is to support project teams in ADB in the planning, design, and development of large hydropower plants according to the requirements set forth in the (i) ADB Energy Policy 2021, (ii) ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS 2009), (iii) ADB Water Sector Directional Guide, (iv) ADB Paris Agreement Alignment (PAA) Guidance Note, and the (v) Common Principles of Climate Mitigation Finance Tracking. In addition, the guidance note provides references to international good practices for consideration by project teams.
The draft guidance note will be available online for one month until 13 March 2023).
Download the document here: Guidance Note on Large Hydropower Plants