Energy Committee Chair sees revival of the silk road through clean energy cooperation in Central and West Asia

In his blog, Energy SG’s own committee Chair Ashok Bhargava discusses the opportunities that await clean energy and deeper cooperation among developing countries in the Central and West Asia region within the framework of energy trade, connectivity, and cooperation.The countries may have varying levels of development, endowment of energy resources, and needs. But it is precisely this diversity that presents a strong basis for cooperation that has been repeatedly emphasized in climate change discourse and more so, within the context of the current pandemic.Through a historic agreement signed in November 2019 among 11 countries comprising the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC), Ashok shares that the region is embarking on a new era. The agreement lays out a three-point agenda on regional network planning and development, market-oriented reforms in the power sector, and energy efficiency improvement.Full story>