Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi is Manager of Energy Modelling and Policy Planning, ASEAN Centre for Energy. He is also Senior Research Analyst of ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT). In those roles, Zulfikar conducts research and cooperation activities in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change. These include development of thematic publications and popular articles, as well as development and management of collaborative activities. He holds Doctoral Degree from Department of Energy Studies, Ajou University. Prior to ACE, he was a researcher in Green Technology Center (GTC) Korea, focusing on green technology cooperation with partner countries, such as on waste-to-energy, climate smart agriculture, water monitoring system, and AI-based disaster response, in Indonesia and Bhutan. Prior to that, he was post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in Ajou University, working in energy modelling focusing on application of energy technologies and policies under the view of comprehensive energy system.