Tessa M. Sugiarto is an investigator and communicator who work as a Head of Corruption Task Force from the leading anti-corruption agencies in Indonesia, KPK. He received his bachelor’s degree in Police Science and Master degree in Communication.
Tessa learned the value of dedication by joining Indonesia Police Office and serving the society to conduct blue collar crime investigation. After that he join KPK and enrich his knowledge in conducting White Collar Crime. With 6.5 years experience as a police officer, and 15 years of experience in investigating corruption in Indonesia, he is one of the investigator that gain comprehensive knowledge on how corruption system works in Indonesia. He has gone through several “Corruptors fight Back” era, either covertly or overtly in his job.
Beside his prime job, he’s often asked to speak in lots of government office to educate them about corruption investigation and which area that need attention.