Sang-hoon Cha

, WI. Plat
Profile / Bio: 

Sang-hoon Cha is a smart city expert with a background of IoT platform, digital transformation, and smart energy management of water supply system. He brings experience to support smart water management initiatives and projects in urban development. Before he founded WI.Plat in 2020, he worked in K-water (Korea Water Resource Corporation) for 23 years.

About WI.Plat

WI.Plat is a water-related startup established through financial support from K-water and the Korean government. Using IoT, artificial intelligence, and cloud technologies, WI.Plat has developed technologies that help non-professionals easily find water leaks. WI.Plat is contributing to the achievement of water leakage reduction in developing and underdeveloped countries suffering from water leakage in water supply system.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Intelligent Water Leakage Management System 30 June 2021 Slides Water, Urban Development