Mr Sabuhi Aliyev is the head of the Preventive Measures and Inquiry Department of the AntiCorruption Directorate of Azerbaijan (ACD) since 2020.
At the current office, he supervises the examination of information and materials on corruption and related offences received from financial oversight bodies (Ministries of Finance, Taxes, FIU etc.), internal security units of government agencies, individuals and private companies.
Beginning his career as an assistant district prosecutor in 2014, worked in various positions at the ACD as a prosecutor, senior prosecutor of the ACD (counsellor to the director), and head of the Analytical Department since 2016.
Graduate of the Law faculty of Baku State University (Azerbaijan), also holding LLM in Human Rights Law (Cardiff University, the UK), LLM in International Criminal Justice (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) and LLM in Anti-Corruption Studies (International Anti-Corruption Academy, Austria).