Ryotaro Hayashi

Social Sector Specialist, South Asia Regional Department
Profile / Bio: 

Ryotaro works on improving the education sector in South Asia, particularly Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and Nepal. Before joining ADB as a Young Professional in 2015, he has worked for 10 years in international development organizations like the World Bank, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
COVID-19 Impact on TVET and Online Higher Education 10 June 2022 Slides Knowledge Management, Economics, Industry and Trade, Education
[VIDEO] The Female Secondary Stipend and Assistance Program in Bangladesh: What did It Accomplish? 17 November 2020 Multimedia Economics, Education
Video: Session 4: Achieving Value for Money 11 November 2020 Multimedia ADB Administration and Governance
Merit Point Evaluation for Science and Technology Human Resource Development Prioject 11 November 2020 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Piloting Udemy for Government Courses under ADB Technical Assistance Projects 02 July 2020 Slides Capacity Development, Education, ICT
Experience of Mobile Phone Survey in Sri Lanka on Technical and Vocational Education and Training 23 May 2017 Slides Education, ICT